Are You Ready?
For what, you may ask. Before I answer that, ask yourself, "Right now, what am I ready for?" I used to be an athlete at school. I...

Let Your Hidden Rebel Out
Keeping your inner rebel hidden for so long may have worked for you so far. Perhaps it's kept you safe. Perhaps it's meant you are well...

Are You A Hidden Rebel?
A rebel is someone who does not like to conform and is openly anti-authority or being told what to do. A hidden rebel is also very...

Remembering Who You Are
Sometimes it's hard to be yourself in this world. My earliest memory is one of wonder. Like all babies I liked my toes, and then when...

Could Your Fears Become A Reality?
Do you ever sit there and quietly freak out about what might happen in your future? What if what you really worry about comes true?

Life Lessons: How is Karma a Factor?
​ The Universe and everything in it loves balance. Look at the planets how they orbit around a sun through the balance of their...

The Ups & Downs of Going With The Flow & Goal Setting
Are you a planner? You know... goals, focus, detail. Or are you more of a go with the flow person; you like to just see what happens and...

Why Should You Be Authentic?
Discover three key advantages to being yourself, doing things your way and following your own path, and the negative impact if you don't

Is Authenticity & Integrity Still Relevant?
Do you need to tell your potential clients you are authentic and operate with integrity, or is this harming how they perceive you now?

Are You Making This Big Mistake I Did?
You know what you do makes a difference, it changes lives. You care. But doing business that way means you continuously put yourself 'on