When Overwhelm Stops You & How To Deal With It

You are overwhelmed. I know. Been there too. Many times.
Overwhelm comes in many forms.
We can be overwhelmed by all we have to do. How can we fit in all that is expected of us?
The amount of information around us is overwhelming. What's relevant?
The choices available to us are overwhelming. How do we know which choice is the right one?
It's exhausting.
We all have different ways that we behave in response to our overwhelm.
How do you deal with it, currently?
Crisis management: doing what is most urgent whether that's because it is causing you pain, the most stress or it is the thing others are shouting loudest about?
Avoidance: Avoiding the most uncomfortable or difficult things, just doing as much as you can do of the things that feel easiest?
Stress: Get completely stressed out, trying to get as much done as you can and at the end of the day/ week/ month/ season/ year beating yourself up for everything you haven't done, stressing yourself out even more?
Overwhelm is stopping you. You know that.
It's like there is this road ahead of you and it's just littered with rocks. There doesn't seem any room for you to get ahead unless you move each rock out of the road so you can move forward freely.
If that is you then I want you to know: there will always be more rocks for you to move out of the way, you'll never feel you can move freely.
Because it is how you think, how you see the world around you and how you expect to feel. If we expect to be hindered, if we expect to feel overwhelmed then we will be.
Think of it like this.
It's as if we have been trained to look for the rocks in the road. Our upbringings and our schooling can be significant causes of this type if thinking, when our teachers, our parents, our bosses, our friends, etc. tell us what is important (from their perspective), and how we need to focus on what we're not good at because we need to fix it before we can get ahead.
What if what they think is important, isn't actually important - for you, for your life purpose?
You need to re-train yourself to look ahead, to realise the rocks - the things stopping you - are mostly irrelevant and that you have one of those mega wheel trucks - your thinking, your focus - than can get you over them, provided you're willing to take the risk and have a bumpy ride occasionally. You need to be focused on the destination, not what is stopping you getting there.
On a practical level, sometimes there are one or two rocks in the road that even your mega wheel truck will get stuck behind. They are big, immovable rocks that you just have to deal with but they represent things that for you are ucky, unknown, shameful, scary or that you simply don't know how to do.
Those are the things you need to deal with. They are the ones worrying away at you, adding to your stress, causing you to make excuses, affecting your self-worth, blocking you.
Pick the biggest rock and start chipping away at it, a bit at a time. You need to just decide to tackle it, to put all else aside - even if it is just for 15 minutes a day until it's done - and sit down and sort the big rock out. Chip at it a bit at a time. Don't avoid it. Ask for help if you need it. Make your focus moving that rock out of the way!
Don't avoid the biggest rock because it seems insurmountable, hard or unpleasant to deal with. Own the situation or problem it represents for you. Take responsibility for it. If it means admitting failure, error, shameful behaviour or not being enough, just do it. Take responsibility and act.
Just decide, enough is enough, you are going to move this situation out of your way so you can finally move forward.
What overwhelms you? How do you respond to it? What's the biggest rock blocking your path? What are you going to do to start chipping away at it so it's not still there, bigger than ever, in 10 years time?
Please share in the comments below. I'd really like to know what's going on for you.
And if you'd like to chat about what's really keeping you stuck and get a few strategies to move forward then please book in a free call with me. I'd be delighted to help you.
Want to know more?
Come on over to my Facebook Hands-on-Business page where I do regular short recorded videos on things like The Truth About Confidence, The Truth About Self-Worth and Being Powerful in Your Own Life.
I also do a LIVE video every Wednesday at 6.30pm so we can continue this and similar conversations that support you in kick starting your life purpose work. The live videos are often on aspects of Scientific Hand & Fingerprint Analysis specific to you and your life purpose. You'll find the recordings on the page too.
♡ A bit about me ♡
I have been running my own businesses from a home office since 1996 and am passionate about business being the vehicle for our freedom. I am also deeply passionate about us each having a purpose on this planet and it's my job to help you find and live yours. I am known as the UK's No.1 Scientific Hand & Fingerprint Analyst as I introduced the system to the UK in 2010. It is the most accurate profiling tool I have encountered. I also have a masters in NLP and have studied astrology and psychology for years - getting your mind to work for you rather than against you!
My clients tell me I am a powerful kick-starter for their purpose, helping them clarify their focus and create an inspired vision aligned with their purpose.
They describe me as a highly intuitive, deeply powerful, passionate, authentic and an extremely practical truth teller who makes them laugh, feel safe and free to be their true selves.
I help them find their true purpose, give them a spiritual blueprint for their life expression and help them create a business that is based on their life purpose, so that they can live happy, fulfilled lives without feeling like its all a struggle or just hum drum.
I love reading your feedback so please do take a moment to share the personal a-ha's this article has raised for you, and what you are going to do differently as a result, in the comments below.
Want to know more?
I have a series of articles I've written on what I've learned about getting unstuck, here's the first one where I share the first two lessons I learned about it.
Also, there are a number of live video recordings on the Hands-on-Business Facebook page where I go into greater detail about different aspects of your life purpose, showing up, your business and what is in your hands and fingerprints.
I'm Helen Elizabeth Evans, a London based life purpose coach and consultant. I work with women in business (and open-minded men!) to powerfully awaken their life purpose work, using a unique combination of scientific hand and fingerprint analysis, deep intuitive skills and practical business acumen running my own businesses for the last 21 years.
I'd love to start a conversation about whether we're a good fit to work together. Simply use this link to arrange an informal chat. There's no hard sell. Just a warm, down-to-earth conversation and a straight forward, honest assessment of whether working with me would be right for you.
I have been running my own businesses from a home office since 1996 and am passionate about business being the vehicle for our freedom. I am also deeply passionate about us each having a purpose on this planet and it's my job to help you find and live yours. I am known as the UK's No.1 Scientific Hand & Fingerprint Analyst as I introduced the system to the UK in 2010. It is the most accurate profiling tool I have encountered. I also have a masters in NLP and have studied astrology and psychology for years - getting your mind to work for you rather than against you!
My clients tell me I am a powerful kick-starter for their purpose, helping them clarify their focus and create an inspired vision aligned with their purpose. They describe me as a highly intuitive, deeply powerful, passionate, authentic and an extremely practical truth teller who makes them laugh, feel safe and free to be their true selves. I help them discover who they really are, find their true purpose, give them a spiritual blueprint for their life expression and help them create a business that is based on their life purpose, so that they can live happy, fulfilled lives without feeling like its all a struggle or just hum drum.