#3 Life Purpose: Why do I need to know it?

You don't. The truth is many people get through their lives fairly happily without ever finding out what their true Life Purpose is.
My father, Jack, is one example. He lived a full life he enjoyed until his health deteriorated. He died two months before his 95th birthday. A life that long would take at least a book to share but just so you can get an impression: From Herefordshire (UK) he went to southern Rhodesia with his 1st wife (he had 3) after serving in WWII, at a time when you could only get to Africa by ship and you had no idea what you were going to find when you got off that ship...
Even though he wore glasses for an astigmatism from age three he was sport-mad, playing it if he could, otherwise watching it. Our household would have the TV on with one game going on live, a radio by his ear with another one on and another radio in the kitchen with yet another one on. Yep, dad was a full on, energetic person. We all had to join in or hide! He loved us 4 kids deeply. He was an accountant by profession and always had such respect from his peers for his loyalty, accuracy and fairness. What a passionate, fully lived life!
However, once he got into his 90s when his incomparable health began to fail him, he couldn't read any more and struggled to hear properly, the arthritis in his lower back was excruciating if he walked for longer than five minutes at a time and his mind began to fail, he struggled to see the value of his life. He didn't feel he'd made a difference, that he'd done enough. He saw his choices as having been selfish.
I offered to help him discover his life's purpose and finally his life made some sense to him. He saw purpose to the choices he'd made even where they'd had a 'bad' impact on others, the challenges he'd had thrown at him and how he'd responded. It gave him some understanding even in hindsight, and some peace.
But how would he have chosen differently if he'd understood what the challenges he encountered were about when they were happening (like his 2nd wife dying and leaving him with 3 young kids and no job), if he'd understood where he needed to deepen his skill set (like expressing his leadership skills with more forethought and thus more effectively) and where his Natural Value could contribute best (his phenomenal standards, belief in others and sense of fairness)?
He lived his life at the level he did because he didn't know what was possible for him. Even with the full life he lead, in retrospect he saw it was a smaller one than he could have lived.
What about you? Are you living your life from a smaller perspective than you are designed for? How do you know what's really possible for you?
As a colleague of mine says, in every acorn is the potential of the tree. Will you forever stunt your growth by living a life based on what you're avoiding?
I hope not. This world needs you. You can make a real difference.
Actually I take what I said earlier back... I think you do need to know your Life Purpose, if not for yourself then for the difference you'll make for the rest of us.
I love reading your feedback so please do take a moment to share the personal a-ha's this article has raised for you, and what you are going to do differently as a result, in the comments below.
Want to know more?
Here are some related articles
Also, there are a number of live video recordings on the Hands-on-Business Facebook page where I go into greater detail about different aspects of your life purpose, showing up, your business and what is in your hands and fingerprints.
I'm Helen Elizabeth Evans, a London based life purpose coach and consultant. I work with women in business (and open-minded men!) to powerfully awaken their life purpose work, using a unique combination of scientific hand and fingerprint analysis, deep intuitive skills and practical business acumen running my own businesses for the last 21 years.
I'd love to start a conversation about whether we're a good fit to work together. Simply use this link to arrange an informal chat. There's no hard sell. Just a warm, down-to-earth conversation and a straight forward, honest assessment of whether working with me would be right for you.
I have been running my own businesses from a home office since 1996 and am passionate about business being the vehicle for our freedom. I am also deeply passionate about us each having a purpose on this planet and it's my job to help you find and live yours. I am known as the UK's No.1 Scientific Hand & Fingerprint Analyst as I introduced the system to the UK in 2010. It is the most accurate profiling tool I have encountered. I also have a masters in NLP and have studied astrology and psychology for years - getting your mind to work for you rather than against you!
My clients tell me I am a powerful kick-starter for their purpose, helping them clarify their focus and create an inspired vision aligned with their purpose. They describe me as a highly intuitive, deeply powerful, passionate, authentic and an extremely practical truth teller who makes them laugh, feel safe and free to be their true selves. I help them discover who they really are, find their true purpose, give them a spiritual blueprint for their life expression and help them create a business that is based on their life purpose, so that they can live happy, fulfilled lives without feeling like its all a struggle or just hum drum.