Are You Choosing Enough?

If you want to become masterful at getting what you want then you'll want to read this now. The reason we often get stuck, or feel unable to manifest what we want, or become overwhelmed, or feel powerless, or get ourselves trapped in situations, or just never seem to have enough time is all because we don't choose enough... You may think... "What are you on about, Helen? I always choose..." Really? Each time you put something off, each time you don't say what you really want to say, each time you let yet another email into your box that you mean to read later... you aren't choosing. Each time you delay dealing with something or avoid taking action on something... you aren't choosing. And when you don't choose, the world doesn't know what you want. You don't know what you want! Instead of getting anything specific you'll get random stuff because your choices are random. You'll get mixed results in response to your efforts because there's a lack of clarity in your choices... or you're just not choosing at all! If you want to manifest (aka 'get the results you want') fast and furiously, then just choose - daily, moment by moment! Say yes, say no. Just choose. Decide who you want to be and choose to hang out with people who support that. Choose to slowly let those people who don't support that vision of who you are go. (I'm definitely nothing like the person I was 10 years ago, never mind 30 years ago, so the last thing I want is people around me who hold onto the old version of me!) If they're family, choose to not fix them, choose to love them as they are without engaging in their dramas or being limited by their thinking. If you're not sure what you want, decide what you don't want. If your home (or inbox) is cluttered, is that what you want? My parents loved clutter. It made them feel like they were home. I don't want clutter. I like things put away and organised. It helps me think more clearly. It helps my energy flow more freely. If you don't want clutter and your home is cluttered, go show the world you don't want more clutter in your life. Go clear it up. Go through the stuff and choose! Choose what to throw out and what to keep. Organise what you're keeping. Make space for new stuff to come in. When you choose, you exercise your power. Right now, what do you need in your life? What kind of people do you want to have around you? What do you want to learn? Who do you want to get emails from (knowing they are ones you will read or act on)? How do you want to feel? What would really add to the sense of quality you feel in your life?
Oooops... I think I just wrote this article for me!
Here's to you having a fabulous day, choosing to laugh when you'd normally get annoyed, choosing to let go of your frustration and just be in the moment, choosing to not choose and being a-okay with the random results... :)!
Want help choosing? Want help making a decision about something? Book in a free call with me and let's talk it out.
I love reading your feedback so please do take a moment to share the personal a-ha's this article has raised for you, and what you are going to do differently as a result, in the comments below.
Want to know more?
Check-out the articles about Life Purpose, starting with this one: What is Life Purpose?
Also, there are a number of live video recordings on the Hands-on-Business Facebook page where I go into greater detail about different aspects of your life purpose, showing up, your business and what is in your hands and fingerprints.
I'm Helen Elizabeth Evans, a London based life purpose coach and consultant. I work with women in business (and open-minded men!) to powerfully awaken their life purpose work, using a unique combination of scientific hand and fingerprint analysis, deep intuitive skills and practical business acumen running my own businesses for the last 21 years.
I'd love to start a conversation about whether we're a good fit to work together. Simply use this link to arrange an informal chat. There's no hard sell. Just a warm, down-to-earth conversation and a straight forward, honest assessment of whether working with me would be right for you.
I have been running my own businesses from a home office since 1996 and am passionate about business being the vehicle for our freedom. I am also deeply passionate about us each having a purpose on this planet and it's my job to help you find and live yours. I am known as the UK's No.1 Scientific Hand & Fingerprint Analyst as I introduced the system to the UK in 2010. It is the most accurate profiling tool I have encountered. I also have a masters in NLP and have studied astrology and psychology for years - getting your mind to work for you rather than against you!
My clients tell me I am a powerful kick-starter for their purpose, helping them clarify their focus and create an inspired vision aligned with their purpose. They describe me as a highly intuitive, deeply powerful, passionate, authentic and an extremely practical truth teller who makes them laugh, feel safe and free to be their true selves. I help them discover who they really are, find their true purpose, give them a spiritual blueprint for their life expression and help them create a business that is based on their life purpose, so that they can live happy, fulfilled lives without feeling like its all a struggle or just hum drum.